Matthew 6:26 Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? 27 Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life[e]?
Waiting … whether it’s sitting in a waiting room for a doctor who’s running late or waiting for some anticipated life event to unfold … it is difficult to patiently wait. Our youngest daughter was recently lamenting that her career path since college graduation has been a big disappointment. While she’s thankful for opportunities that have come her way, she is disappointed that her “heart’s dream” for a career hasn’t materialized yet.
Our conversation took me back to my own 20s and early 30s. Being a very task-driven person, I had clear life goals. College, marriage, a house, children and a teaching career were major anticipated events – each of which I expected to achieve by a certain age. No one could have accused me of slacking in the goal department! The problem was that life threw Swann and I a few challenges and my life ship was blown a bit off course. Things didn’t come within the timeframe or in the order that I’d dreamt. And some life goals didn’t seem to be happening at all.
My biggest regret during those years is that I simply didn’t enjoy life more. Instead, I spent much time fretting over our slow start to life, while envying friends who were already buying houses and having babies. Life isn’t always fair that way, and we were definitely late bloomers.
I changed not one thing by fretting and worrying, and my jealousy simply made me miserable. I see that now, in hindsight. Oh, the angst that would have been alleviated by simply appreciating our lives more – to bask in the little blessings of each day and acknowledge God’s provision.
We all struggle in life, a fact we do well to teach our children. But, God is present through the struggles. And while we wait, we do well to soak in the life lessons that God speaks. There is much to be learned and appreciated “in the waiting”.
Diana Kongkeattikul
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