Called To Care
Jesus tells us to love each other. The Called to Care Ministry Team, in conjunction with other volunteers, support the Pastor in the care of congregation members with special needs, such as those who are sick or grieving. We respond as friends and serve as a ‘caring presence.’ Called to Care (CTC) members make phone calls, send cards and notes, and visit homebound and hospitalized members. All CTC members have Safe Church Clearances. Contact Pastor Caroline if you are interested in joining this team.
For more than 70 years, St. John’s Camp has been a place “where faith and fun go hand in hand.” Our Camp Ministry Team works to maintain our beautiful facilities, provide summer camp programming, and coordinate activities and opportunities to enjoy being “in God’s backyard in the mountain.” Safe Church Clearances are required to volunteer at St. John’s Camp.
Caring Cooks
As part of Called to Care, the Caring Cooks Ministry provides meals to people in our congregation during times of great sorrow and great joy. Whether it is during an illness, following the death of a loved one, or after the birth of a new baby, we provide meals to individuals and families. All members of the congregation are invited to share in this ministry of hospitality, welcome, and service.
Children and Youth
We believe that children are to be seen and heard, especially in church. We value our young people—babies and teenagers and every age in between. We invest in their faith formation through Church School classes, fellowship gatherings, service projects, Confirmation, Vacation Bible School, special events, and Youth Groups. Safe Church Clearances are required to volunteer with our children and young people. Contact the Director of Children and Youth Ministry to be part of this Team.
Working alongside our Trustees, the Facilities Ministry Team focuses on the care and preservation of the interior and exterior of our church building and grounds. Have special skills or interests in music and sound, plumbing, electrical, mowing, landscaping, painting, and/or carpentry? We welcome your ideas and energy! Contact the Head Trustee to be part of this Team.
Our congregation enjoys being together! We like to have fun and we enjoy good food. The Fellowship Ministry Team plans activities and events to bring people together, deepening our bonds as a community of believers and friends. From Progressive Dinners and dances to seeing shows at Totem Pole Playhouse, we organize opportunities for fellowship, friendship, and fun. Join us!
Chaired by our Treasurer, the Finance Ministry Team is responsible for our budget, physical property, and investment assets. Meeting quarterly, the Team reviews our financial position, needs, and any concerns we have regarding income, expenses, and portfolio. Interested in being a good steward of our financial resources? Contact our Church Treasurer to see how you can help.
We believe in connecting with our community through opportunities for service, education, mission, and fun. Whether it is yoga or a craft night, movies on the lawn or dance lessons, our Invitational Ministry brings people together from all walks of life. Events and activities are community-oriented and all are welcome!
Interested in the history of St. John’s UCC? Searching for your next good book to read? Visit our church library! The Library Committee maintains our church archives and purchases resources for people of all ages to enjoy. From books to DVDs, games to Bible Studies, there is something for everyone. Have ideas for how to share the history and heritage of St. John’s? Want to promote learning and faith formation? Be part of the Library Committee!
Nursery School
St. John’s Nursery School (SJNS) has been an integral part of our church and community since 1970. Providing high-quality preschool education for children ages 2-5, Nursery School Ministry oversees the operation of St. John’s Nursery School and fosters connection between SJNS and SJUCC. A love of children and families guides Ministry members from a variety of professional backgrounds and fields.
Open and Affirming (ONA)
St. John’s UCC officially became an Open and Affirming (ONA) congregation on November 15, 2020, with a congregational vote to adopt our “Covenant of Welcome and Affirmation.” The work of our ONA Ministry Team is to coordinate continuing education, exploration, and implementation of our covenant and our welcome to all individuals, including those often marginalized in our community.
One of our core values at St. John’s UCC is service. We partner with organizations in our local and global community to make a positive impact on people’s lives. We provide direct and indirect opportunities for service, outreach, and mission, moving beyond the walls of our building and out into the world. Are you passionate about partnerships with community organizations? Do you have a heart for service and mission trips? Be part of our Outreach Ministry Team!
Prayer Shawl
As part of Called to Care, the Prayer Shawl Ministry provides prayer shawls (knitted or crocheted) to people in our congregation and wider community during times of great sorrow and great joy. These shawls are made with love and prayers. Whether it is during an illness, following the death of a loved one, or after the birth of a new baby, we provide prayer shawls to individuals and families. All members of the congregation are invited to share in this ministry of prayer, care and connection.
Public Relations
How do we share the goals, missions, and activities of St. John’s UCC? Through Public Relations! Whether this is through signage, our web presence, digital and social media, we know that it is very important to communicate who we are, what we believe, and how we can together grow in the love of God and neighbor. This Team focuses on communication and collaboration with our church and community.
Safe Church
Our congregation’s health and safety is a key aspect of our culture of care and our witness to the gospel of Jesus Christ. Our church has a robust Safe Church program, with developed policies and procedures to keep all persons, especially children/youth and vulnerable adults, safe and healthy while participating in the life, ministry, and programs of St. John’s UCC. Please contact our Safe Church Compliance Steward to learn more about our commitment to being a Safe Church.
Safety and Security
We care deeply about the safety and well-being of our church community, as well as the safety and security of our church property. Our Safety and Security Ministry coordinates emergency response plans, education and training, and safety and security upgrades to our building and technology in the service of our mission and vision.
Technology and Media
Ministry in the 21st century includes the use of technology and media to share the message of St. John’s UCC with people through amplified sound, PowerPoint presentations, social media, livestreamed worship services, and other forms of communication. Are you passionate about technology? Want to use your creativity in our worship services? This ministry welcomes your gifts and graces!
Worship is at the heart of who we are and how we give glory to God. Through music, prayer, scripture and song, we move from being self-centered to being God-centered. Our Worship/Music Ministry Team works together to provide meaningful worship experiences for all members of our community.