To everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under heaven. Ecclesiastes 3:1
As I get ready to retire, this verse has often popped into my head. The popular song by The Byrds, whose song uses this passage from Ecclesiastes, replays as well. Leaving a season of life requires letting go. That letting go can be very hard! Why let go of something that has worked well for you? If you enjoy a particular “season” then why not hold on?
We can all think of someone who held onto a season too long. Examples are everywhere! How many sports figures hold on until they’ve lost their luster? Or closer to home, having an elderly family member who holds onto their expansive house when it’s no longer safe? A parent who just can’t quite cut the apron strings also comes to mind. Letting go is hard.
My prayer for this transition time in my own life is that I let go “well”. That I savor each day up until the last, but then walk away on that last day with a smile. Those of us who hold on to a season deny ourselves of whatever comes next. The season that follows may be the best yet! What is God leading me to do? What adventures will follow?
May you enjoy whatever season of life you are in. May you also know when to close one door and open another.
Diana Kongkeattikul
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