Hebrews 10:25 (CEB) Don’t stop meeting together with other believers, as some people have gotten into the habit of doing. Instead, encourage each other, especially as you see the day drawing near.
Last week, our Sunday School class talked about meeting together in person, and the value of each other’s company. There is truly power in fellowship. Can you get that same emotional boost in joining a bowling league or with golf buddies in a good round of golf? Sure, the camaraderie is there no matter the activity. But nothing quite beats meeting with fellow believers on the road of life. The sharing of faith, of doubts and needs, and of prayer is truly powerful. It is said that the Christian life was never meant to be lived alone. I believe that to be true!
Have you ever gotten to talking with a stranger only to find out that you share the same faith? That happened on a flight home from visiting our daughter in California. In the course of conversation, the lady beside me and I realized how much we had in common through our Christian faith. We talked the entire flight home, sharing our precious bond through Christ.
Whether it’s a random encounter such as the seat mate on the plane, or a planned visit to church, a Bible study group, or some other form of Christian fellowship – reach out! It’s fertilizer to your spiritual self! Jesus surrounded himself with the disciples, a good example for us to purposely build a faith community of our own.
Have a blessed week finding, and giving, to those around you who share that special bond in Christ.
Diana Kongkeattikul
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